Mrs Molly Ramlachan (English Educator; International trainer – British Council- Leadership Programme)


It is common knowledge that the writing an autobiography is one of the more difficult genres. Not only must you capture the attention of the reader, but one needs to sustain their interest. As a writer you have accomplished both. Needless to say you must be commended for that.

As an educator myself I could easily relate to the text because it resonated with me. My first impression is that of a story well told with deep insights and sincerity while at the same time exploring and grappling with some rather contentious issues. You have the capacity and the intellect to deal with these issues by peppering it with your unique style of humour. This certainly made for entertaining reading. In doing so your character as writer and a person is brought to the fore. Your personal and professional growth was quintessentially shaped by your many and varied experiences and challenges, the issue with your parents home, taking centre stage.

Your book clearly depicts as with so many of us, how some characters remain flat and unchanging while others develop through sheer resilience and strength of character. Furthermore much of your character is shaped by your parents, environment and experiences. The BP Singh we meet at the beginning of the novel is not the one we meet at the end. He is not a stagnant but an evolving character. However on closer reading your spiritual journey has to a large extent (and I daresay) forced you to revisit some of your perspectives on issues. Your tenacity in taking up the cudgels of the oppressed cannot go unnoticed. In doing so you have sought to empower the disempowered.

I must say that I am glad that you did not slip into the trap of providing a historical documentary of the political transformation of the country. Once again it is through sheer ingenuity that you manage to keep you story alive. You also use a great degree of tact in not allowing yourself to verbally assault certain individuals with whom you are clearly irate.

I find your choice of title rather apt and significant as it operates at many levels. Furthermore the reader is forced to introspect on their own lives on completion of the novel. Surely this can only be a positive thing and certainly augers well for the future if it adds value and makes a difference to peoples lives.