
Date Event
21 September 1979 March on Tongaat Town Board to demand ownership of houses
1980 School boycotts
January 1982 Hitch-hiking from Tongaat to Newcastle
14 January 1985 Received first letter of appointment to School Of Industries
25 November 1985 First opportunity for empowerment at staff meeting
17 January 1986 Called Mr AK Singh – Director of Education in House of Delegates
16 February 1987 Received letter of transfer to Foresthaven Secondary
25 April 1987 Official opening of Foresthaven Secondary
22 January 1988 2 days after Shivani is born
1989 Tricameral Elections
9 March 1989 Letter from Tongaat Town Board querying whether we want to purchase the house
23 July 1990 Sheromi is born
6 October 1990 Launch of SADTU (South African Democratic Teachers’ Union)
20 January 1992 Appointment of Mrs K. Narainsamy
18 January 1993 Appointment of Mr Rajendra  Persad
1994 Appointment of Ms Primrose Makhanya
17 January 1994 Appointment of Mr Soma Chetty
9 March 1994 Bird lice crisis
21 March 1994 Signed agreement to purchase house in Buffelsdale.
31 March 1994 Mr Soma Chetty forced to leave the school
17 April 1994 Pegs placed in April 1994.  Houses L3/4/5 objected immediately
27 April 1994 First Democratic elections in SA
9 May 1994 Foresthaven democracy celebration
22 June 1994 Sayuri is born
26 July 1994 Appointment of Mr Devraj Appalraju
31 August 1994 Letter indicating change of physical address
26 September 1994 Letter sent to deeds office to stop transfer process.
29 September 1994 Town Clerk letter stating that Council efforts were unsuccessful and author was to assist/intervene – then Council will support the rectification process
October 1994 Rising Sun article on loss of land of residents of Row L, Buffelsdale
09 October 1994 Sunday Tribune article of loss of land of residents of Row L, Buffelsdale
3 October 1994 Attorney DK Singh and Mrs Padayachee of Legal Aid Department (Housing) assisted in  objections
7 October 1994 Letter from Deeds Office, acknowledged on 07 October 1994, stating that only legal stoppage was allowed
8 November 1994 Mr Parthab Singh and Mr Elvis Padayachee at meeting  with residents
15 November 1994 Meeting between Board and residents of both rows
19 June 1995 Letters to Board and Tongaat Civic Association requesting facilitation of movement of fence as negotiated with the mosque – reallocation of land
12 July 1995 Letter from Council with incorrect sketches
29 July 1995 Author’s response to Councils’ letter dated 12 July 1995 on amendments not included in sketch
1995 Introduction of English 2nd Language at Foresthaven Secondary
1995 Activities if the Verulam Ratepayers’ Association
31 August 1995 Mr Devraj Appalraju retires
November 1995 Senior Certificate Examinations
1 April 1996 Letter from Council accusing author of delaying the transfer process
8 April 1996 Author’s response – rectifying Council’s blunder
26 June 1996 Local Government Elections
5 March 1997 Stabbing incident at Foresthaven Secondary
30 June 1997 Transfer from Foresthaven Secondary for Mzingezwi Secondary
October 1997 Senior Certificate Examinations
24 October 1997 Official opening of Sotobe Secondary
1998 Fund-raising at Mzingezwi Secondary
5 June 1998 MEC Vincent Zulu visits Mashiyamahle Secondary
12 October 1998 Letter from Cliff Harvey & Partners on skewed boundary suggestion
13 February 1999 Prof Sibusiso Bhengu’s road show in Verulam
2 June 1999 Second national and provincial elections
7 May 1999 Deputy President Thabo Mbeki & MEC Sbu Ndebele’s visit to Mzingezwi Secondary
18 June 1999 Sponsorship handover function at Mzingezwi Secondary
20 June 1999 Telephonic discussion with Yogan Naidoo from Ethekwini Housing department
30 June 1999 Left Mzingezwi Secondary to take up post at Havenpark Secondary
12 September 1999 Dad’s demise
13 September 1999 Dad’s funeral
10 March 2000 Received letter of secondment to North Durban Regional Exams Component
3 April 2000 Reported to North Durban Regional Examinations Component
September 2000 Sayuri’s school admission issue resolution pursued
January 2001 School opening  – attempts to talk to Mr Chinsamy
October 2001 Mr Moeti Hadebe appointed as Deputy Chief Education Specialist: Provincial Examinations and Assessment Services
March 2002 Examinations Bosberaad
23 May 2003

22 July 2003

28 July 2003

02 June 2004

Letters faxed to Cllr Kola Govender
2 July 2004 Move from Truro House to Pinetown District Office
14 April 2004 Third national and provincial elections
10 December 2004 Uncle Daniel & Aunty Ragni receive their title deeds
20 December 2004 Email from Mr Magan Naidoo of the Housing Section
December 2004 Harding Marking Centre
24 August 2005 CASS (Continuous Assessment)address at Foresthaven Secondary
9 September 2005 Documented complaint lodged with Mr Desmond Pillay at the Consumer Council.
15 September 2005 Meeting with Housing Department at Florence Mkhize House
22 September 2005 Telephonic Notice of Appointment to Sport & Recreation
25 October 2005 Left Department of Education to join Department of Sport & Recreation
17 November 2005 Premier’s Service Excellence Awards 2005
1 July 2008 Title deed for Buffelsdale house registered at Deeds Office
19 August 2008 Title Deed handed to mum
2 August 2009 Oneness Workshop