Mrs P. Thangavaloo (Deputy Principal: Phoenix Teachers Centre)

I enjoyed reading the book, “When the Chalk is Down” with its vivid description of community life as well as events in Mr B.P. Singh’s life.

Whilst older readers who have grown up in the same era will nostalgically relate to the writer as they would have experienced similar circumstances, the younger readers have a first- hand account of life in the days gone by. It was refreshing to read the “tell it like it was” account of Mr Singh’s humble beginnings, his career and his struggle to obtain ownership of the council house for his parents.

Juxtaposed with his own progress in terms of his career and personal life was his frustration and difficulties experienced in assisting his parents obtain ownership of the house in which they had lived for many years. It is an issue that many, who have experienced bureaucratic red tape, can easily relate to.

Congratulations to Mr Singh on an interesting, well-written account of events in his life!