Mrs M Hussain (Ex-educator)

I enjoyed reading your book.  It meant a lot to me since I was able to relate to some of the situations which I had experienced as an educator.

The transitional period from an Apartheid Era moving towards democracy posed a great challenge to the educators in every aspect.  The demand for participative governance at micro-level, i.e. between educators and school management, was very challenging, especially when there was very little guidance or support given by the Department, and yet it was interesting and sometimes very stressful.

Your book has a historical dimension.  One cannot stop comparing the past teaching experience under the rule of the House of Delegates and Teachers’ Association of South Africa (TASA), with the new influence of the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU), in a new environment of democracy.

“When The Chalk Is Down” will always be on my bookshelf.  It is written with great frankness, honesty and integrity. – a ‘must read’ book for all educators.

I wish you all the best!