Mr Raj Dhanlall (Partner/Director: Price Waterhouse, Coopers & Lybrand)


It was a difficult one for me as I savoured every word and event, almost feeling that it was at times a representation of some of the situations that I find myself in. There were moments that I battled to keep the tears away as I thought of my parents and how I yearn to see smiles on their faces, but know that not everything is in my hands to control, notwithstanding everything that I do.

You have through your writing BP-bhai, awakened something in me that gives me the benefit of your experiences so as to make the best of the situations I find myself in and to, most of all, not give up on what I feel is important.

We each think that we have been dealt a poor hand, but reading your book gave me a sense that all is not as bad as I perceive it to be. The struggles of our people as descendants of our indentured forefathers continues even post-1994, shaping us continually not to be underachievers – it is after all the chiselling that turns stone into the sacred, most beautiful murthi’s we revere, so why is it different with our characters?

I must admit, BP-bhai, that this story of your life could be the story for most of us emerging as the first generation of professionals from our families and the strength drawn from those loved ones coupled with the desire for a better life for our parents and siblings compounds our struggles. You have brought to the fore ‘OUR Story’ – thank you for doing it with the kind of passion that is evident in the style and diction.

Finally, the eternal gratitude that is ingrained in us for our parents is something that cannot be explained or illustrated much better than you have. You are blessed, as most of us are, to have the opportunity to serve our parents!

Take care and thank you for a wonderful gift to our community!